The Dichotomy of an Immigrant — The Accent!

Anu Smalley
4 min readJan 24, 2022

“You have a really cute accent” — where is it from?

If I had a penny for every time, I was asked that question — I would be in Tahiti by now!

But what is my accent? Or the accents of many immigrants? Why is this important?

I was born in India — but did you know that even in India they have different accents? Just like in the United States — there is a distinct New York accent or a southern accent etc. even in India there are differences.

My family is from the south — so at home I grew up hearing the south Indian accent. I grew up and went to school in the northern part of India — so outside the house I grew up hearing the north India accent. And then there was my school itself — it was what we called an “Anglo Indian” school — an Indian school with British influence, founders, and teachers. So, at school I heard a British accent.

That should be confusing for any child. But wait… There are different languages and dialects and depending on what village/town/city/state you are in the spoken language and dialect may be different. GULP! It is a surprise I spoke at all.

My parents tell me that I started speaking very late — they were worried that I could not speak for a while — I think it was the confusion of all these languages, dialects, and accents. What language should I speak? Which dialect? What accent should I adopt? These might well confuddle a grown adult and I was but a child of 1 year. Rest assured my parents also said once I started speaking — I did not stop  I must have figured out something……

In the US — I get this comment all the time — where is your accent from? Heck if I know!!

There is a little bit of India — OH! and all over India — a little bit of Britain and a whole bit of American.

When I am in India, I am asked to repeat what I say because I have an American twang. Once I was even asked — Have you ever lived in India? — you sound totally American. Seriously???

When I am in the US — I am asked to repeat what I said because my India accent is thick — sure thing!!

Over the past 32 years, I believe I have found a way to deal with this. It is a very unconscious technique as my husband made mention of this to me. He can identify who I am speaking to on the phone based on the way I speak. Am I emphasizing my Indian tones or the American ones? Am I starting to roll the r’s a bit too much? Am I swallowing my T’s? Am I using words like Wonky? He can identify not just if I am speaking to an Indian or an American friend — he can tell you the name of the person I am speaking to. And yet I am unaware of this completely.

Growing up we used to speak what my father called Hingadda — a combination of Hindi, English and Kanadda (The language spoken at my home) and we did this unconsciously.

I realize that when I am with my American friends — I try to tamp down my Indian accent. I take care in the way I pronounce words. I focus on how I am saying my V’s and my W’s. I emphasize that I am American by adopting the American slang. When I am with my Indian friends all of this goes away. I want to be part of that group, so I mix up the V’s and the W’s and I start bringing in all the deep rolling of R’s etc.

This goes back to Belonging. Belonging is important to me. That is how I not just survived but thrived as an immigrant in my adopted country. My accent has provided me with an avenue to belong to the various groups I am part of.

My wish for me and others who deal with such a dilemma, is that what is said and NOT how it is said that is important. I wish pronunciation was not what people focused on. I wish incorrect use of an American slang did not make it its own joke. I wish not to be ridiculed just because I sound different. I wish I did not have to try so very hard to sound like everyone around me.



Anu Smalley

Anu is the President and Founder of Capala Consulting Group, LLC where she specializes in Executive coaching and Agile Transformations.